Interpreting in Economy & Finance
The three sessions will provide an introduction to the terminology of major economic topics such as macroeconomics, foreign trade, the state budget, financial markets and economic legislation. The course will also address the key structural transformations that should be applied in the Russian > English interpretation. Special attention will be paid to compression in interpreting and especially its importance in simultaneous interpreting. The theoretical knowledge gained will be consolidated through interpreting texts of relevant topics from real-life interpretation projects.
Marina Korovkina
Marina Korovkina is a PhD candidate. Graduated from the Moscow State Linguistic University (MSLU) with a degree in teaching English, French and Spanish.
Completed postgraduate studies at the MSLU and Higher Translating Courses of the same university. In 2017, Marina Korovkina defended her thesis on translation.

Languages: English (simultaneous interpreting), Spanish (working), French (daily communication).

Currently she lectures at Moscow State Institute of International Relations. Before 2016, she taught at the MSLU-IIAT (Interdisciplinary Institution of Advanced Training), department of Translation and Interpretation, ran Simultaneous Interpreting Courses at Russian State University for the Humanities (RSUH) and translation courses at summer schools for Russian speakers and foreigners. She also works with RPK-GROUP.

As an interpreter Marina Korovkina works at international conferences and seminars.
She majors in law, finance, investment, ecology, education, linguistics, military and political issues.
She works with the World Health Organization (WHO) and Russian Academy of Sciences.
Before 2000, she worked on the International bank project, US AID (United States Agency for International Development) and on the finance.
Contact us

Bor Bor recreation centre, Bosteri, Issyk-Kul district 722103